Ben Pakulski Mi40 Free Download

Are you looking for information about Mi40? If you are, then you have come to the right place. Continue to read this review as it will cover a wide range of topics, such as what it is, who created it, how it works and much more.

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  2. Ben Pakulski Pdf
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  4. Ben Pakulski Workouts

What Exactly Is It

Mi40 is a program that is designed to help people get into shape within a short amount of time. It is mainly for people who want to gain muscle very fast, so if you are looking to gain muscle, then this program may be what you're looking for.

The Creator

If you’re looking for the new MI40X Xtreme, click here.Otherwise read on for the original MI40. This page includes a free PDF preview of Ben Pakulski’s MI40.The.

The creator of the program is Ben Pakulski. He is a professional bodybuilder who has entered many well-known bodybuilding competitions, including The Arnold Classic, Mr. Olympia, Flex Pro and NY Pro to name just a few.

Ben Pakulski| Creator of the #1 Muscle Building Program MI40 2017-09-19T16:49:47-03:00. Private members site with exclusive access to me and my network of cutting edge muscle building enthusiasts and experts. Hypertrophy Max. Buy, download and read MI40 PDF / Workout, Gym, Program Free Download Ben Pakulski Nation on your iPad, iPhone, Android, Tablets, Kindle Fire, Windows 8, Web, Mac and PCs only from Joomag - The Digital Newsstand. MI40-Xtreme Download Area. Welcome to MI40 Nation, the home of all things Ben Pakulski & MI40! From the latest MI40 news and media, to top-level insider info, you'll find it all here. To further compliment your order, and for your enjoyment, you will have easy access to a large number of free Videos, Podcasts. MI40-Xtreme Download Area Welcome to MI40 Nation, the home of all things Ben Pakulski & MI40! From the latest MI40 news and media, to top-level insider info, you'll find it all here.

Pakulski has a lot of credential and that is another reason why some people may want to consider getting the program he developed.

What's Included In Mi 40

By now you may be wondering what exactly is included with the program, and the answer to that question is a lot. There are quite a few things that you will get or have access to when you decide to purchase the program.

Some of these things include a training manual that goes into details about how to execute intentions, which is part of what the program entails.

It also includes a manual for nutrition needs, and even instructional workout videos, which are designed to help you get coaching right from the comfort of your own home or anywhere for that matter.

The program also includes a guide that shows you how to execute a bunch of different exercises, and there are workout sheets that you can print out.

It is worth mentioning that the program also comes with a pursuit calendar, which allows you to keep tabs on your progress and there is an audio integration called Size Secrets, which will help you enhance your workout.

The above are just a few of the things that are included in the program. The program is very generous in terms of what you get when you purchase it.

How Does It Work

You probably want to know how Mi-40 works, and this section will explain that. Below is how the program works.

As previously mentioned, the program that is designed to help people gain muscle fast. First, you download the program and then follow the instructions that come with it.

Basically, the workout program is eight hours long, and Pakulski will serve as your personal trainer. Throughout the program, you will be watching digital videos, as well as listening to audio and you will be reading through a series of e-manuals.

Throughout the program you will be doing 6-9 exercises, and each routine will take around 1-2 hours to complete. You will follow the program for a few weeks, and by the end of the program you should see some results and you should have a much better understanding of how to build muscle.

Who Is The Ideal Person For This Program

This program is great for people who have a hard time packing on muscle. Some people have a very difficult time gaining muscle and they just don't know how to go about it the right way.

If this sounds like you, then you are a great candidate for this program. Even people who are experienced lifters and workout enthusiasts should benefit from this program, as it gives a lot of information that a lot of people probably don't really know about.

Basically, this program is great for anybody who is looking to gain muscle fast.

Are you wondering about what the pros and cons are of Mi-40? If so, then this section will list the pros and cons, which can be found below:

The Pros

  • It is an extensive program
  • Many people have raved about it
  • It gives excellent information
  • It is a great program
  • It comes with a lot of different things

The Cons

Ben Pakulski Mi40 Free Download Torrent

  • Some people consider it to be expensive
  • Some workout routines can be too lengthy for some people

As you can see there are more pros than cons. There are quite a few other pros, but the ones mentioned above are the ones that stick out the most.

Does The Program Work

Just as the case is with any product or program, it may work for some people and it may not for others. However, if people follow the program and they don't skip workouts and they do everything the program tells them to do, then they should see some results.

However, the chances of the program working for you are very good. Many people have purchased the Mi-40 program and they have had great success with it.


By now you might be wondering if this program is worth buying or if you should just skip over it. The answer to that question is yes, it is worth buying and trying out.

The man who created the program is a successful bodybuilder who is known for his muscle mass and knowledge of working out. However, there are some things to keep in mind, which will be discussed below.

You should keep in mind that this program can be intense at times, and you might be tempted to give up in the middle of the program, but the important thing is to stick with it.

If you stick with this program and do exactly what it asks of you, then you will love the results you may achieve with it.

As for the price of the program, it is affordable but some people consider it to be too pricey. The best thing to do is to try it out for yourself.

Also, it is worth noting that there is a 100% guarantee on the product. This means if you are not happy with it, then simply ask for your money back and you will get it back, no questions ask.

Order the program today and find out for yourself if it works.

MI40 is a complete program for dedicated bodybuilders who want to build muscle to their full potential.

This review of Ben Pakulski’s program will reveal you how this program works, what “MI40 Intentions” are, who this plan is for, what benefits it offers and what the pros and cons are.

Who Is MI40 For?

The way MI40 was designed means that this program can be unusually hard even for someone who regularly works out, but it can be a real challenge for beginners.

It is suitable for motivated bodybuilders with some experience. IM40, though sound and valid, takes for granted that you should have some sort of workout experience and have already gone through regular training routines to be able to withstand it.

However, the implementation of these techniques could be too much too handle for some people, not just beginners. The outward or inward torque on the bar while pushing or pulling the bar in a controlled way is challenging to master.

The mental effort required to perform these extra tasks while pushing or pulling could detract from correct weight progression because you have no way to exactly know how much torque/resistance you apply inward or outward on the bar while performing the exercises, it can fluctuate.

By contrast, straight, regular movements never lie. You know that if you have a 200 pound bar to push up or pull down, it is 200 pounds. Always. You know that if you go to 210 pounds you are getting stronger.

But with outward or inward torque you do not really know where you are on progression, at least not until you have mastered the technique. Basically, you need to rely on feel on top of the straight poundage, you have to master the way you feel your muscles.

However, in order to build an accurate feel for the extra stress involved and get the most out of these techniques it takes time and effort and if you are a beginner you should do a beginner program first to prepare yourself for the high intensity techniques of MI40.

But if you are an advanced or at least intermediate bodybuilder you have better chances to adjust to these extra neurological and muscular stresses. In any case, NOS and Intentions require a drastic reduction on the usual poundage normally used.


The workouts too, while lastingg just 40 minutes, are based on a 5 a week split routine. This leaves little room for flexibility. You have to really plan you weekly activities well in advance, or else if you skip a workout you’ll have some body parts lagging behind others on the schedule.

Having said all this, MI40 is an effective program for intermediate to advanced bodybuilders for extra muscle gains.

You should also read our MI40X review and Muscle Explosion review.

What Does MI40 Stand For?

MI40 stands for Mass Intentions 40, a reference to this particular number as a foundation to all the aspects of the program workouts and to the conscious effort required for performing the exercises.

According to author Ben Pakuski, muscles do not “know” pounds but only “feel” torque. It does not matter how many pounds are loaded on a bar, what is important is the way muscles move the bar in a full range of motion under tension, better still, maximal tension.

The techniques Pakulski devised to implement this challenging approach are two: Mass Intentions and Neurological Overload Sets (more on these below). Instead, the number 40 is the constant factor that refers to anything involving this program: 40 seconds to complete a set, 40 seconds of rest, 40 minute workouts, 40 exercises, 40 days program and so on. 4 is also the number of the last drop set in a group of 4 sets.

This means that 40 is not a fancy number trick born out of fantasy, but the net result of years of experience and real life results to support this practical approach.

What Are MI40 Intentions And How Do They Work?

As the name implies, Intentions and Mass Intentions are just that, a unique voluntary and neurological input applied when performing a resistance movement against weights that consists in creating an extra artificial torque in compound movements by pushing outwards on the bar with your hands while pulling and by curling inward on the bar while pushing.

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This mean that while you perform lats pull downs, for example, you should consciously push with your hands outwards on the bar while at the same time pulling down as normal. This creates a complete new stress to the muscles, increasing the torque and forcing you to drastically reduce your normal poundage for any given number of reps.

Conversely, while you perform a bench press or an over head press, you should also push inward your hands on the bar while pushing away from your body. Again, this requires a complete adjustment of your normal poundage.

NOS – Neurological Overload Sets For Mass Building

The second key technique used in the MI40 program for optimal muscle stress and testosterone and growth hormone, hence muscle growth, is a revisited version of the good old drop sets repackaged in a more scientific way.

How many times you have walked out of a gym feeling that you did not really gave everything you had, or that your typical straight set workout challenged your muscle to some extent, but not really that hard.

This is because neurological adjustment sets in, the endocrine system is not stimulated enough to produce extra testosterone and muscle growth, your muscles are not really challenged and stagnation sets in.

Revisited Drop Sets For Extra Muscle Gain

The Neurological Overload Set, a drop set performed as the fourth final set of a group of 4 sets of a given exercise, pushes the muscles to a level of complete failure way beyond the limits of a mere straight set. Total failure is achieved by dropping the poundage 20% off the previous poundage every subsequent drop for a total of 4 sets without rest between them.

The repetitions are also performed in a 4010 fashion, meaning 4 seconds in negative and 1 second in positive without stopping at the top or bottom, bringing every rep up to 5 seconds and a set of 8 up to 40 seconds.

Every subsequent 20% decrease in weight should be performed as strictly as possible for as many reps you can get and even performing half reps (the lower part of the range with the muscle fully stretched) until the next drop in allowed.

This is a drastically hard technique guaranteed to kick endocrine system, testosterone, growth hormone and muscle gain into overdrive.

The program is also structured around variation. No workout is the same so as to keep you motivated and your muscles challenged even within the foundation basics of time under maximal tension, torque intentions and extended drop sets for neurological overload.

Does MI40 Work? Is It An Effective Muscle Building Program?

Ben Pakulski’s MI40 program is a well structures muscle building, workout and nutritional regime that requires commitment and discipline. While the workouts last only 40 minutes, they are very demanding not just on your muscles but also on your nervous system.

The combination of high intensity techniques like NOS (drop sets) and Intentions (additional inward and outward torque with your hands on the bar on a given exercise) are designed to exert continuous maximal tension on your muscles in a full range of motion and to exhaust them to utter failure, the like of which is not possible to achieve with regular, straight sets.

What Are The Benefits Of MI40?

MI40 is beneficial in that it gives bodybuilders a tested method for stressing muscles and kick them into growth. This method relies on torque and tension through the range of motion for more effective muscle and strength building as opposed to heavier weights thrown around with poor form, in complete contrast to what you often see in the gym.

The whole point of this approach is to throw away your ego and disbelieve the heavier the better approach but focus on quality resistance instead, so as to feel your muscles really working and see them growing. This approach has already worked very well not just for Ben, but also for scores of his customers and friends, first of all world renowned fitness expert and buddy Vince DelMonte.

Whatever technique requires movement control and correct execution is more effective for muscle building that ego filled “free weight put shots”, so thumbs up for MI40.

Who Is Ben Pakulski?

The program is the creation of Ben Pakulski, a world renowned pro-bodybuilder with a degree in Kinesiology and Biomechanics, the science of movement and muscle function, who is also author of the new program MI40X, of which you can read a review here.

With over 14 years of expertise and top achievements in the bodybuilding world, he has developed a training and nutritional system focused on the body as a whole and on the importance of correct exercise execution for anyone willing to build muscle fast, particularly for natural bodybuilder with normal recovery abilities.

The importance of correctly performing exercises for optimal results goes in stark contrast with the common mistakes that, he says, we all have witnessed in the gym now and then. The guy throwing the weight around with excessive poundage in an attempt to convince himself and and onlookers of being stronger than he really is or simply applying the heavier, the better approach in the mistaken belief that heavier weights will lead to bigger muscles.

This approach leads to stagnation and even injury, you can see guys coming in the gym day in, day out for months without a single extra inch to show for while other guys seem to get twice as much results in a short time, and that’s not genetics, but correct approach, he argues.

MI40 Workout And PDF – What’s In It?

Ben Pakulski’s program is a fully comprehensive guide coming in PDF, Video and Audio formats covering all topics for anyone serious about gaining muscle. It is divided in 8 parts:

  • The 40 Day Mass Intelligenge Training Manual: a 33 page PDF manual with all the basics of Ben Pakulski’s training system and the foundations of his workout methods, where he explains the concepts of Time Under Maximal Tension, the Intentions, which is the deliberate manipulation of the torque needed to perform any lift by adding extra inward force in pushing movements and outward force in pulling movements. And of course, NOS, which stands for Neurological Overload Sets, an updated and more accurate version of the good old drop sets.
  • The 40 Day Mass Consumption Nutrition Manual: this is a complete 53 page guide to nutrition for optimal muscle growth and fat loss structured in a 3 phase way. Phase 1, Intra Workout Nutrition, describes what you should eat during the workouts. Phase 2 is split in 2 main components, pre workout and post workout nutrition. Phase 3 is concerned with your nutrition away from your workout time, during the day.
  • The 40 Day Mass Instruction Workout Videos: a 7 hours instructional video set where Ben himself and top guys like Vince DelMonte, Matt and Emily Stirling and Rob Terry perform the exercises so as not to leave any guesswork.
  • The 40 Day Mass Proportion Exercise Execution Guide: one more 52 page manual concerned with the perfect execution of the workout exercises. Each exercise is displayed in a set of pictures illustrating the start and finish position and the full range of motion in between. These exercises are divided into Mass Construction and Mass Appeal Exercises.
  • The 40 Day Mass Prescription Printable Workout Sheets: one of the most important aspects for a good outcome of any training program is accuracy, you need everything laid out for you for each workout. This par of the program consists of 23 printable sheets with all the workouts, exercises, sets, repetitions, rest periods and execution speed from day 1 to day 40 to take you hand in hand through your workouts and not miss anything or do any mistake.
  • The 40 Day Mass Pursuit Calendar goes hand in hand with the workout sheets above. It is a printable calendar where you can keep track or your progress and your short comings so as to keep you on track and strive to improve and adhere to the program.
  • The 40 Day Mass Supplement Stack Protocol: a 19 page protocol of the best supplements out there to help you reduce post workout inflammation and improve recovery times, like fish oil, tumeric, and little known active ingredients.
  • The Size Secrets Audio Interrogation: it sounds like a CIA interrogation, in reality is simply an audio format interview by the same Ben who reveals little known strategies to help you gain even more muscle.
Ben Pakulski Mi40 Free Download

>>Click Here To Visit The MI40 Official Website<<

The Bottom Line

MI40 is a program designed to achieve maximal muscle gain in the shortest possible time with the use of high intensity techniques like NOS and Intentions that require commitment and a desire to break through the “comfort zone” of regular straight set workouts.

Ben Pakulski Pdf

MI40 is therefore more suitable to someone with experience in bodybuilding or weight training rather than a complete beginner. However, it pays off big time for those who use it with above average muscle gains and fat loss, helping cut through plateaus and stagnation.



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Jay always had a passion for fitness. A former skinny guy, he built himself 35 lb of lean muscle over the years using different training strategies, going through failures and eventually succeeding, and now wants to share his knowledge with those who value fitness as a way of life.

Ben Pakulski Workouts

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