Debian Squeeze S390 Iso Download

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Installation Hercules S390 emulator

  • Download
  • Install


Edit Hercules Configuration FIle


# Sample configuration file for Hercules ESA/390 emulator

# $Id: hercules.cnf 5334 2009-04-19 20:37:29Z rbowler $
# $Log$
# hercules command table now also used for config commands
# Revision 1.25 2008/12/01 16:19:49 jj
# Check for licensed operating systems without impairing architectural
# Add CVS message log

CPUSERIAL 002623 # CPU serial number
MODEL EMULATOR # STSI returned model
MANUFACTURER HRC # STSI returned manufacturer
CPUVERID FD # CPU Version Identification
XPNDSIZE 0 # Expanded storage size in megabytes
# NUMVEC 1 # Number of Vector Processors
ARCHMODE ESA/390 # Architecture mode S/370, ESA/390 or z/Arch
ECPSVM NO # VM Assist : NO or Level (20 recommended)
LOADPARM 0120.... # IPL parameter
SYSEPOCH 1900 # Base year for initial TOD clock

# Hercules Service Processor and Hercules Application Window

# MODPATH /usr/local/lib/hercules # Where to search for modules

# Hercules Service Processor and Hercules Application Window
CODEPAGE default # CodePage conversion table
DIAG8CMD disable # OS may not issue commands via DIAG 8
HTTPPORT 8081 noauth userid password # HTTP server port
# HTTPROOT /usr/local/share/hercules/ # HTTP root directory
PANRATE FAST # Panel refresh rate

# +----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Caution: Modification of these parameters may adversely |
# | and/or Hercules. |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------+
# HERCPRIO 0 # Hercules process runs at Normal priority
# DEVPRIO 8 # Device thread(s) run at Below Normal priority
# TODPRIO -20 # TOD Clock and timer thread are Time Critical

# DEVTMAX 0 # Device threads, 8 on Windows, else unlimited
CNSLPORT 3270 # TCP port number to which consoles connect
# SHRDPORT 3990 # TCP port number for sharing DASD images on

# | .-----------------Device type
# | | |
# ---- ---- --------------------
000C 3505 ./util/zzsacard.bin
000E 1403 print00e.txt crlf
# The following statements are examples. Some of them require
# 0580 3420 ickdsf.ipl
# 0121 3380 mvsv5d.121
# 0140 9336 dosres.140
# The following statement defines 3 3270 devices starting
# 0200.3 3270
# The following statement defines 3480 devices
# 280-28F 3480
# The following statement defines 3420 devices
# 2C0,2C2 3420
# with the CUU substituted in the device file name
# 400.3380, 401.3380, 402.3380 and 403.3380
# CCUU may also be used to define a 4 digit device address
# device file names will be
# 480-483 3380 $(CCUU).3380
# 0700 3270


CPUMODEL 9672 # CPU model number
XPNDSIZE 0 # Expanded storage size in megabytes
CNSLPORT 3270 # TCP port number to which consoles connect
LOADPARM 0120.... # IPL parameter
PANRATE SLOW # Panel refresh rate (SLOW, FAST)
ARCHMODE ESAME # Architecture mode ESA/390 or ESAME
# .-----------------------Device number
# | | .---------File name and parameters
# V V V

001F 3270
# terminal

000C 3505 ./rdr/kernel.debian ./rdr/parmfile.debian ./rdr/initrd.debian autopad eof
# printer

0120 3390 ./dasd/3390.LINUX.0120

0581 3420
# network s390 realbox
0A00,0A01 CTCI -n /dev/net/tun -t 1500

Create DASD volumes

  • mkdir /etc/hercules/dasd
  • cd /etc/hercules/dasd
  • dasdinit -lfs -linux 3390.LINUX.0120 3390-3 LIN120 # /
HHCDU044I Creating 3390 volume LIN120: 3339 cyls, 15 trks/cyl, 56832 bytes/track
HHCDU041I 3339 cylinders successfully written to file 3390.LINUX.0120
HHCDI001I DASD initialization successfully completed.
  • dasdinit -lfs -linux 3390.LINUX.0121 3390-3 LIN120 # /home
HHCDU044I Creating 3390 volume LIN120: 3339 cyls, 15 trks/cyl, 56832 bytes/track
HHCDU041I 3339 cylinders successfully written to file 3390.LINUX.0121
HHCDI001I DASD initialization successfully completed.
You wil have 2 disks of each 2.5 GB

Start Hercule emulator

  • hercules -f hercules.cnf -d > /var/log/hercules.log
  • hercules -f hercules.cnf
  • hercules -f s390.cnf

Setup network natting

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE
Network natting should be started before Hercule is started
  • Download

Install Debian distribution for s390 from DVD

  • On linux host mount dvd
mount $DOWNLOAD_DIR/debian-6.0.6-s390-DVD-1.iso /mnt/cdrom
ipl /mnt/cdrom/d390.ins
In Hercule all command for the linux install should be preceded with a dot otherwise Hercule is processing the command and not the guest insite Hercule.
  • from linux-host login to continue the install when asked

Start installed os

  • in Hercule (start disk 120 first disk is root filesystem)

ipl 120

  • from linux-host login

ssh -l root

  • Setup network insite linux-debian-guest

/sbin/ifconfig ctc0 netmask

/sbin/route add default gw


  • CTC - Channel To Channel
  • DASD: Direct Access Storage Device
  • IPL - Initial Program Load
  • IUCV - Inter User Communication Vehicle
  • IFL - Integrated Facility for Linux
  • PSW - Program Status Word
CTCChannel To Channel
DASD Direct Access Storage Device
IPL Initial Program Load
IUCVInter User Communication Vehicle
IFLIntegrated Facility for Linux
PSWProgram Status Word

Hercule Commands

  • ?
  • uptime
  • maxrates
  • panrate
  • version
  • message
  • quit
  • exit
  • clocks
  • timerint
  • devlist
  • sh ls /var/log
  • lsmod
  • lsdep
  • sizeof

Debian Squeeze S390 Iso DownloadDebian

But if your computer is old and not supported 64 bit computing, download 32 bit version. * The example on this site uses 64 bit version of Debian 6.0 Squeeze. [2] Burn ISO file to DVD with an apprication on your computer for burning and Make an Installation Disk. After finishing it, proceed to next step for installing Debian 6.0 Squeeze. Free Download Debian GNU/Linux - The Debian GNU Linux operating system, one of the oldest and influential Linux OSes. 32-bit (i386, kfreebsd-i386), Armel, Armhf, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, s390, s390x, and MIPSel architectures. Multi-arch ISO images are also available for download, but they only support network installations.

Debian Squeeze S390 Iso Download Full

  1. I want to make a clear noVM instalation of 64bit Debian Wheezy. Amd64 armel kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390. I ve downloaded that debian iso with both i386-amd64 in it, so nice,.
  2. Sep 27, 2018 - pye-dev-07f: Debian on zSeries using the Hercules emulator. Fetch a kernel and initrd image for Debian Squeeze, as below. Ubd1=root_fs_slackware fake_ide ubd2r=slackware-13.37-install-dvd.iso rw.

Debian Squeeze S390 Iso Download Mac

Debian CDs/DVDs archive. Old Debian releases on CD/DVD. This is where we store older CD/DVD releases of Debian. If you want to download the current release, look in the release area. For each release here we keep all the images in jigdo format to save on space and download times. We also often keep the ISO images for the last release of.