Space Marine Codex 8th Edition Download

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Space Marine Codex 8th Edition Download

Recommend Documents. Warhammer 40k - Codex - Adeptus Custodes - 8th. 8th Edition Codex for the worshippers of NurgleFull description. Adeptus Custodes, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names.

We’ve finally got the thing we were waiting for 2 editions – new Chaos Space Marines Codex. Its last version was released in the very beginning of the 6th edition and it will be remembered forever. Very soon, after the other books were released. It started to appear more and more helpless. The release (and then – reissue) of the 2 supplements, sloppy Khorne Daemonkin codex were supposed to change the situation, but they didn’t help much. Only the Traitor’s Legions book, released in the end of 7th edition managed to give players what they asked for – the variety and competitive combinations. The Legions book is missed very much – it brought unique warlord traits, detachments, formations, rules and relics for EACH CSM legion. Maybe it didn’t bring Chaos to the top of tournament armies, but there were many interesting and effective combinations. And not all of them had a chance to be tested since when this book was released, everyone was already waiting for the 8th edition.

Now, when the new edition has come, all these books are nullified and we are starting from scratch. So, have GW succeeded in representing one of the most vicious threats to the Mankind in the game?

Well, we still have special tactics for each legion (Just as Space Marines Chapter tactics), unique stratagems, warlord traits and relics – so, yes, GW kept legion diversity and it’s great. Death Guard and Thousand Sons are not in this book since they are going to have their own codexes very soon. Why not? 3 loyal chapters of the 1st founding have separate books, and it’s ok. However, you can still take Plague Marines (who’s got many new options, including close combat) and Rubrics from the CSM codex.

Sure, if you compare these legions features with the old ones, you will see that there are less of them. Only one for each legion, just as Loyalists have. But this doesn’t mean that it’s boring. You can combine legion tactics, warlord traits, stratagems, and relics to represent your legion the best way. There’s also a tactic for renegade chapters in case if you don’t want to collect old Heretics. And there’s one more important thing – in the 6th edition codex, there were NO legions at all. So, now we really have more diversity that we used to. And more that the Loyalists have.

There are more different options. First -icons (Nurgle Icon has its range increased, btw). Second – 3 additional spells from the Gods. You can increase (or create 5+) invuln, get 5+ FNP, or -1 to hit to protect your squad. Isn’t that great? But this only works if you take the mark of the corresponding God. So, now that gives the meaning to the Marks and you have to think before taking them. In the Index, they were almost useless. Unfortunately, they don’t give any abilities themselves, like they used to. This wouldn’t break the balance and would motivate players to create themed armies. Well, anyway, before the 6th edition you couldn’t give Marks to every squad at all.

There are also other spells -3 from the Index and 3 new ones. They are kind of the Loyal ones, but…better. It’s very unfamiliar, to say that – but this CSM codex is better than SM. It was obviously done in accordance with the loyalists – there are some similar stratagems, legion tactics and spells are very close. But there are a lot of small differences that make CSM better. So, new spells. We have our own Null Zone (Death Hex), which works on target in 12 inches instead of the 6-inch aura. And it’s much better – there are not always more than 1 squads in 6 inches of you. And if they are – not all of them have an invuln to switch off. And 12 inches is a nice range which gives you tactical flexibility. Next – you can buff your squad just like loyal psykers. But they have +1 Str, Attack, and Toughness. Chaos has +1 Attack and +2 Str, which correlates with its aggressive tactics. And it’s more useful – it’s always better to strongly improve one thing, that many a little. So, we have a nice bonus to attack abilities. And the third spell is kind of unusual – choose the squad in 6 inches and compare your D6 roll with its toughness. If you win – the target suffers 3D3 mortal wounds. If it was a character, you can turn also him into a Chaos Spawn. Loyalists have something like that, but with D3 potential damage and the target also rolls a dice -so, more factors involved. In fact, chaotic version of this spell has 30% chance to deal some damage to the most armies. And just imagine, how effective it can be against T3 Eldar or Imperial Guard… Moreover, 3 Index Spells are still great, so now you have a great choice between 9(!) useful spells, while loyalists, in fact, have only 3. So, nonetheless Sorcerers now have the same casting abilities as Librarians and don’t have familiars (but there’s still a command reroll, though), our magic is more aggressive and dangerous.

Space Marines Codex Rules 8th

What else was 6th edition codex famous for? Champion of Chaos special rule, of course! Aaaand it’s gone. Relax. Challenges are kind of impossible with the new edition mechanics and Chaos Boons are now a stratagem. So, if you want(!) you can spend 1 commend point after killing a character to roll for a boon. There are only 11 boons now, but all of them are useful. You can still turn into a Spawn or a Daemon Prince, but there’s no Icy Aura and every other boon improves some of your stats.

Stratagems are great. We have +1 to wound roll, chance to heal or resurrect units like an apothecary, Daemonforge which now let’s reroll EVERYTHING. Legion unique stratagems will also make you think twice about the choice. Shoot twice (Slaanesh Obliterators!) or attack one more time (120 attacks from 10 Berzerkers!) Alpha Legion can «deep strike» any unit, and Word Bearers re-roll any of the summon dice and don’ts suffer perils. There are also stratagems which copy those from the SM book – vehicles bonuses, additional relics, etc. The good thing is how they are arranged in the book – while SM codex is sometimes chaotic (Huh), here we have all in the logical order. It’s obvious that GW is working on the mistakes.

Speaking about the mistakes – we have some unit changes. Obliterators in the Index were so awful, that now they are given 4 shots instead of 2 without any changes in price. And it makes them useful – nonetheless, a random weapon is still doubtful, they are cheaper than terminators and can give 12 plasma-like shots after the deep strike. The possessed now have 2 wounds, also, at the same point cost – so, there’s no reason not to include them in your roster. A lot of units, like Defilers, got cheaper.

But the most interesting thing is in the new units. Yes, there are new units in CSM codex (no new miniatures, though). Now you can take an Exalted Champion -a corrupted copy of the Space Marines Lieutenant, who also lets you reroll 1s to wound. A must-have choice in any roster. Other «new» units are not so new – now you have daemon troops in CSM codex! Just like in old editions. The limited choice, and it won’t change gameplay greatly, but it still ads diversity to this army.

Relics are divided into the God’s, Legion's and 3 common. There are our old friends – Axe of Blind Fury, Black Mace, and Murder Sword. Unfortunately, they’ve lost Daemonic attacks (and a chance to hurt you). But it’s ok since now they are free and not supposed to be to powerful. The mace looks the best because it’s the most versatile one. God’s relics are all nice, which again brings more meaning to the marks and keywords. And the Legions also have some interesting stuff (2+ armor for CSM, finally). SO, a command ability to take more than one relic might be really useful here. SM relics are not half that interesting.

We won’t discuss legion tactics since GW has described them all during the last week. It seems that only Emperors Children and Black Legion are hard to use. First – you are supposed to charge yourself due to the aggressive CSM style, so you will hit first anyway. Second – the only rapid-fire weapons you have are bolters and plasmas – so, if you are going barefoot, and then running – you won’t survive long enough to kill somebody. And if you are using transport, there’s no need to run. A really weird stratagem. For example, Renegade chapters have charge after advance and it’s great.

So, in the long run, we have presumably the best CSM codex since 4th edition. There are Daemonic allies and Legions with many interesting options. There are a lot of ways and combinations to destroy your enemy, most part of them – workable. If you compare this book with the new Space Marines, you’ll see that it’s much better. In this edition, loyalists have only one effective instrument – gunline. Nonetheless, they’ve got a bunch of new primaris units. But CSM can effectively use close combat (Berzerkers, Possessed), fearsome deep strike units (terminators with comb-weapons, Obliterators are back), a variety of Daemon Engines, effective both in close combat and from distance (now, with improved Daemonforge). Loyalists just don’t have all this stuff. And CSM can still make the same gunline if you want to. So, there’s no need to look back on the Legions book and say that it used to be more things there. Yes, it did. But in 8th edition realities and compared to the previous codex, now CSM is one of the most interesting and playable armies in the game. And there are two more legions to come soon…

Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

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Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Been Around the Block

Consider comparing a quad las Predator to a quad las Mortis Contemptor. (assuming full wounds)
The Mortis Contemptor has WS2+ (vs 6+), BS2+ (vs 3+), S7 (vs 6), 4A (vs 3) and a 5++. For 206pts.
The Predator has a 12'move (vs 9'), +1W and the option to take a stormbolter and HK missile. For 202pts.
Those extra 4 points get you a SIGNIFICANT upgrade over the Predator, Unless I've missed something?
Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Courageous Space Marine Captain

could be, the forge world stuff is a bit... wonky. so ti may be priced poorly.
Ultimately the power of an Inquisitor extends as far as he can make it extend
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Ship's Officer

The price does seem low. It looks like it's based on taking a normal contemptor and sticking lascannons on it instead of looking at what a contemptor with 4 lascannons is actually worth.
Hardly the worst thing FW have ever written, but clearly not good.
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Boosting Space Marine Biker

Well it can take 1 less wound before degrading.
Tbh though i htink the problem is the predator nto the relic contemptor, the predator for some reason lost a point of toughness compared to the vindicator which has always been the same armour wise
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Legendary Master of the Chapter

GAdvance wrote:
Well it can take 1 less wound before degrading.
Tbh though i htink the problem is the predator nto the relic contemptor, the predator for some reason lost a point of toughness compared to the vindicator which has always been the same armour wise

Yeah that bumbs me out a bit. also makes the FW reinforced armor bits pointless.
Unit1126PLL wrote:
Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Fresh-Faced New User

So what do you guys think about this:
Razor back with twin linked heavy flame (Assault weapon). Concede first turn to enemy. You advance until you are in their face, shoot your flaming gun of furry.
Turn 2, enemy shoots at your razorback - maybe even charges it. Razorback tanks like a boss. On your turn you disembark 6 sternguard veterans with combi flamer bolters.
Incase of your razorback being in combat it falls back. You shoot the enemy unit with 6 bolters - rapid fire 1. So 12 bolter shots average of 3+ = 10 hits. Then flamers average of 3.5 hits per flamer x6 = 21 auto hits
Total of 31 hits. Then you charge in and hit them again with chainswords and whatnot.
Sounds like a plan?
Now imagine an army with two of those squads and assault terminators coming in on turn 2.
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Terminator with Assault Cannon

the_Jakman wrote:
Consider comparing a quad las Predator to a quad las Mortis Contemptor. (assuming full wounds)
The Mortis Contemptor has WS2+ (vs 6+), BS2+ (vs 3+), S7 (vs 6), 4A (vs 3) and a 5++. For 206pts.
The Predator has a 12'move (vs 9', +1W and the option to take a stormbolter and HK missile. For 202pts.
Those extra 4 points get you a SIGNIFICANT upgrade over the Predator, Unless I've missed something?

Predators are extremely overpriced (their hull costs >30 points more than a Rhino despite being worse), so comparing them to units with similar roles ends up looking pretty bad. That's not really Forge World's fault, though - you can do a similar comparison with Razorbacks or Devastators. I feel like Predators were priced or tested at toughness 8 and got busted down to 7 late in development - all the units with similar armor from the previous editions (VIndicator, Exorcist, Ironclad) are T8 now, as are the Hunter/Stalker which actually had worse armor than the Predator.

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2017/07/17 00:51:00

Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Tecliso wrote:
So what do you guys think about this:
Razor back with twin linked heavy flame (Assault weapon). Concede first turn to enemy. You advance until you are in their face, shoot your flaming gun of furry.
Turn 2, enemy shoots at your razorback - maybe even charges it. Razorback tanks like a boss. On your turn you disembark 6 sternguard veterans with combi flamer bolters.
Incase of your razorback being in combat it falls back. You shoot the enemy unit with 6 bolters - rapid fire 1. So 12 bolter shots average of 3+ = 10 hits. Then flamers average of 3.5 hits per flamer x6 = 21 auto hits
Total of 31 hits. Then you charge in and hit them again with chainswords and whatnot.
Sounds like a plan?
Now imagine an army with two of those squads and assault terminators coming in on turn 2.
Twin Heavy Flamers have been errata'd to be Heavy 2d6, so this strategy doesn't work anymore.
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Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Deadly Dire Avenger

Seems pretty strong! Really hoping the other chapters get something as impactful as that.
Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller

JJ wrote:

Seems pretty strong! Really hoping the other chapters get something as impactful as that.

Wow, just what the game need, more people that can fallback and shoot. At this rate, melee is going to have a tough time in this edition.
Inquisitor Jex wrote:
Yeah, telling people how this and that is 'garbage' and they should just throw their minis into the trash as they're not as efficient as XYZ.

Peregrine wrote:
So the solution is to lie and pretend that certain options are effective so people will feel better?
Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Coyote81 wrote:
JJ wrote:

Seems pretty strong! Really hoping the other chapters get something as impactful as that.

Wow, just what the game need, more people that can fallback and shoot. At this rate, melee is going to have a tough time in this edition.
At least they have to pay a penalty to do it.
5250 pts
3850 pts
Deathwatch: 1500 pts
Imperial Knights: 375 pts
30K 2500 pts
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Deadly Dire Avenger

I guess that's made flamers even stronger. Fall back and hand out some more auto-hits.
Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker

On the point of the predator armour value, whilst I agree that it could do with being stronger I can see GW's thinking behind it.
This is a new edition, forget what stats and rules things used to have. A vindicator model has more armour on it than a rhino thus has more toughness. The same is true for the stalker/hunter model and the exorcist.
The predator model has exactly the same model hull as a rhino and razorback thus has the same durability stats.
Everything in the new rules is designed around the models they make, pure and simple.
I'm hoping for a predator price drop when the marine codex arrives, I don't think it will have a stat change.
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Ship's Officer

On the Predator armour thing, it's more that the Vindicator had its toughness increased in line with its fluff and model, rather than the predator being nerfed. The Predator has always been described as a medium tank and it would be odd if it was as tough as a LR (either kind!).
It's also clearly not overpriced. The shooting that thing produces for its cost is seriously efficient.
That ultramarine chapter tactic is pretty interesting. It's very powerful. Wonder what my imperial fists will get, and who it applies to - whether it's just infantry as before or if vehicles get it. Redeemers that didn't care about being charged would be pretty serious.
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Legendary Master of the Chapter

Mandragola wrote:
Wonder what my imperial fists will get, and who it applies to - whether it's just infantry as before or if vehicles get it.

Im dying to know my self.
since the UM one is so wide spread..
rerolls of 1s for all bolter type weapon is 99% for sure
the second part (if we even get one) is probably Dev/heavy supports get to do a thing. the previous edition it was reroll pen right? then we probably will get reroll wounds.
Unit1126PLL wrote:
Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Deadly Dire Avenger

I'd love to see the re-rolls of 1 again. If not I'd also like to see something like -1AP on all bolt weapons (feels like we're sorely missing that at the moment for bringing down hordes).
With the Ultras rules being completely army-wide, I'm not sure we'll see something Devastator specific. Heavy Support buffs could be cool though.
I'd also love to see Lysander get a few more unique rules and become a bit more appealing to use, he's one of the reasons I started the army.
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Legendary Master of the Chapter

JJ wrote:
I'd love to see the re-rolls of 1 again. If not I'd also like to see something like -1AP on all bolt weapons (feels like we're sorely missing that at the moment for bringing down hordes).
With the Ultras rules being completely army-wide, I'm not sure we'll see something Devastator specific. Heavy Support buffs could be cool though.
I'd also love to see Lysander get a few more unique rules and become a bit more appealing to use, he's one of the reasons I started the army.

Besides hot ST10 no penalty thunder hammer?
Unit1126PLL wrote:
Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Deadly Dire Avenger

Desubot wrote:
JJ wrote:
I'd love to see the re-rolls of 1 again. If not I'd also like to see something like -1AP on all bolt weapons (feels like we're sorely missing that at the moment for bringing down hordes).
With the Ultras rules being completely army-wide, I'm not sure we'll see something Devastator specific. Heavy Support buffs could be cool though.
I'd also love to see Lysander get a few more unique rules and become a bit more appealing to use, he's one of the reasons I started the army.

Besides hot ST10 no penalty thunder hammer?

I sat and compared him with my friend's Arjac model, who just seemed like a copy of him with better buffs for the guys around him and for less points.
But I may have missed something!
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Legendary Master of the Chapter

JJ wrote:
Desubot wrote:
JJ wrote:
I'd love to see the re-rolls of 1 again. If not I'd also like to see something like -1AP on all bolt weapons (feels like we're sorely missing that at the moment for bringing down hordes).
With the Ultras rules being completely army-wide, I'm not sure we'll see something Devastator specific. Heavy Support buffs could be cool though.
I'd also love to see Lysander get a few more unique rules and become a bit more appealing to use, he's one of the reasons I started the army.

Besides hot ST10 no penalty thunder hammer?

I sat and compared him with my friend's Arjac model, who just seemed like a copy of him with better buffs for the guys around him and for less points.
But I may have missed something!

one less wound
less consistent weapon damage outside of characters or monsters.
Unit1126PLL wrote:
Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Longtime Dakkanaut

Re-roll bolter 1s to hit would be sad, seeing as you'd want a captain around anyway to give that for any special weapons in those squads. To wound would be better, i suppose, but hopefully they get something actually strong like +1 AP, assault 2, or count bolters as pistols.
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Legendary Master of the Chapter

jcd386 wrote:
Re-roll bolter 1s to hit would be sad, seeing as you'd want a captain around anyway to give that for any special weapons in those squads. To wound would be better, i suppose, but hopefully they get something actually strong like +1 AP, assault 2, or count bolters as pistols.

Realistically its not happening. thats way over doing it.
Even the smurf ones arent actually that good.
realistically +1 ld is a throw away since most marines will basically never take moral or are already far dead to be effective. jumping out of assault is also going to be very minor as most assault themed armies would of mulched a shooty marine squad anyway.
Unit1126PLL wrote:
Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Boosting Space Marine Biker

Letting Bolters be used like pistols would be interesting actually, i don't think it'd be quite good enough on it's own but it's a cool start that makes me think of Imperial Fists firing and holding the line whilst being ripped at by hormagaunts and instead of switching to knives and fists just calmly firing and reloading
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Legendary Master of the Chapter

GAdvance wrote:
Letting Bolters be used like pistols would be interesting actually, i don't think it'd be quite good enough on it's own but it's a cool start that makes me think of Imperial Fists firing and holding the line whilst being ripped at by hormagaunts and instead of switching to knives and fists just calmly firing and reloading

Sounds really cool.
honestly im hoping they do justice and make all the chapter tactics super cool but not overly derp.
Unit1126PLL wrote:
Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

JJ wrote:
Seems pretty strong! Really hoping the other chapters get something as impactful as that.

This seems very good.
I hope the Imperial Fists rules are this good. Re-roll 1's on all bolters is probably going to be at least one of the two rules, and I'll be fine with that. I think it's better than people think.
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Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Legendary Master of the Chapter

Its way better than people think.
so far the UM are exceptionally minor or wont ever come into play.
Unit1126PLL wrote:
Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Dakka Veteran

Didn't take long for the powercreep to begin.
I expected the chapter tactics to improve the various SM-armies (it is after all, free rules), but I didn't expect them* to be that damn strong.
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10.000 pts
Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

Desubot wrote:
Its way better than people think.
so far the UM are exceptionally minor or wont ever come into play.

The Leadership bonus is minor, but falling back and shooting is a huge advantage.
- Imperial Fists - 7290
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Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Legendary Master of the Chapter

wtwlf123 wrote:
Desubot wrote:
Its way better than people think.
so far the UM are exceptionally minor or wont ever come into play.

The Leadership bonus is minor, but falling back and shooting is a huge advantage.

From the NR thread, the only time you ever really assault is
A) with a dedicated Assault unit that will for the most part end a unit they charge.
B) to shock lock with transports though if that is the case you just commit 1.5 units to 2+ which isnt that good of a situation.
C) locking down vehicles (they dont get CT so we are good here)
D) swarm locking to bog down a unit for a few turns with some flavor of horde.
asides from D (which a ton of people complain about anyway) B) is the only situation where there is a benefit and i cant see people using it as a viable tactic. (maybe its more a tau tactic im not sure)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/14 18:51:37

Unit1126PLL wrote:
Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Subject: Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

What? Why are you assuming that you're the one that assaulted? You can fall back the turn after you get charged by the opponent, and then immediately fire all your weapons.
- Imperial Fists - 7290
- Deathskulls - 6150
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Subject: Re:Space Marines 8th edition, glory to the codex (ohh and those black templar guys too)

Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Am I the only one that is positively giddy with anticipation for what my Chapter's Tactics will be? Will Crimson Fists get their own Chapter Tactics (adapted from their altered battle tactics used by Pedro Kantor), or will they have reverted to using standard Imperial Fists Tactics since they have been bolstered by Primaris Marines? Heck, I am excited to see what others get. Will Black Templars be able to maximize their Ripping and Tearing? They can't take Psykers, maybe they will still get to deny the witch like bosses? Will Raven Guard get to Infiltrate their Tactical Marines? Will White Scars get some variation of Hit and Run (though Ultramarines kinda stole their thunder there). Maximum Burnination for Salamanders? Vehicles with healing ability for Iron Hands?
I am excited for the new codex. I still think Chapter Tactics should be -1 CP in order to have them in effect, though.
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