Eclipse Kepler Download For Windows

  1. Eclipse Kepler Download For Windows 10 32 Bit
  2. Eclipse Kepler Install
  3. Eclipse Kepler Sr2 Download For Windows 10
  4. Eclipse Kepler Download For Windows 10

I am fairly new Java program. My working machine is Windows 7 64 bits. I don't know my client run 32 bits or 64 bit. I am going to download Eclipse Kepler Sr2 Packages and Java SE Development Kit. Do I download 32 or 64 bit to create my project? Thanks in advance.

How to check out, build, and run the Kepler source code using the Eclipse Integrated. Note that the ant change-to command uses svn to download the rest of. Windows users: if you are using Java 1.8, you will need to add tools.jar to the list. Eclipse kepler 32 bit free download - Adobe Captivate 32-bit, Adobe Captivate 64-bit, Eclipse Classic (32 bit), and many more programs. Enter to Search. Popular Apps.


Eclipse Kepler Download For Windows 10 32 Bit

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3 Answers

If you are unsure what your clients use, it's always safer to choose for 32 bits, since x32 programs also run on x64 systems (and not visa-versa).

Etienne BruinesEtienne Bruines
Eclipse kepler download for windows 10 32 bit

I'd get the 64-bit version. Your client's version is largely immaterial, although it might matter if your application includes an Applet or is stand-alone. But, that's a deployment concern and not a development concern (Windows, Linux or Mac - Java is 'Write Once, Run Anywhere'1).

1 Very nearly anyway.

Elliott FrischElliott FrischFor

Eclipse Kepler Install

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It doesn't matter if you are using 32bit or 64bit version of eclipse, as that is for your development. Regarding the java SE version, you may want to test your final code against the same environment as your client (specially to check if using native APIs). It will be prudent if you can find out which version your client has and test your code at least once against that before final release.

Eclipse Kepler Sr2 Download For Windows 10


Eclipse Kepler Download For Windows 10

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